Wednesday, August 12, 2009

swords: first impressions

- It's like Deadliest Catch, but with swordfish.

- I had no concept of how frikkin' big swordfish can be! Fourteen feet long and over 800 lbs at their full growth! That's... crazy. But I guess if there's space as big as an ocean, there's really no reason a fish can't be that huge.

- It's kid of barbaric-- miles and miles of lines with other lines hanging off them, baited and dangling. They caught a mako shark (which Shark Week informed me is one of the most vicious sharks), and had to disentangle it. It didn't show them setting it free, though; do people eat sharks here? Is shark-hunting allowed?

- A single yellowfin tuna is worth up to 1200 dollars? No wonder people go out into the stormiest waters in the hemisphere and risk their lives.

- I was never all that thrilled with Deadliest Catch; it's almost like the title predetermines them toward the sensational, and I don't really care to watch people getting hurt all the time. But this one is just about the job, the good and the bad, and the background, too. It feels more palatable, and it's something I wouldn't mind watching while waiting for the Colony to come on.

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